January 17, 2012

IVF 2.3 - Follie Check

Today was my first follicle check since I started the stim meds last Friday.  Currently I am taking 150 units of Bravelle in the morning, 5 units of lupron in the evening, and 75 units of Repronex in the evening.  Three shots a day are starting to take a toll on my poor belly.  I feel like I am starting to resemble a well used pin cushion.  I think I am having a reaction to the Repronex because the area around the injection site is red and hurts to touch, but goes away after a few days. 

So, back to the follie check.  Things are looking good so far.  The ultrasound tech told me that I have 2 on my right ovary measuring about an 11 and several on my left ovary that are just under 11.  The IVF nurse told me that my estrogen level is good, the lining looks great, and follicles are growing.  I am to continue my same dosage of meds and go back in on Thursday morning for repeat bloodwork and ultrasound.

I am a little excited now that things are started and coming along.  However, I think I am also trying not to get too emotionally involved in all of this because I know what can happen when things go wrong.  A part of me wants this so bad, but another part is afraid that it will work. I suppose that's how everyone feels. I just keep praying that things work out for us this time around.


  1. Hi Mandy, I got your blog link from the Baby Center Community Forum, hope you don't mind if I follow you along on your journey?

    Just curious if you could talk more about what your fears are in relation to it working? The unknown of moving into the realm of parenthood? The risks of an ART pregnancy? Just curious :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oops...

      My first follie check is TOMORROW!!! I'm super nervous and excited. Hoping for good news, similar to yours!

