November 8, 2011

Thankful 1.4 - 1.7

It's been an exceedingly crazy weekend so I haven't been able to post a lot to the blog, ok .. I haven't been able to post at all.  I am also doing the thankfulness thing on Facebook, so don't think I haven't been thinking daily of something to be thankful for.  And let me tell you, it's not an easy thing to try to come up with something new and original each day. Plus I don't want to be completely serious about all of my choices each day and there are definitely things I have in mind, but I want to spread some of those out.  With that being said, here are the past 4 days of Thankfulness ...

1.4 - I am thankful for great friends and family who are there for us every time we call, who make time for us (even make us a priority :) and can be counted on, especially in a pinch. This was especially true on Saturday as some of the best friends and family came over to help us with home repair after our indoor water feature. (I know I know ... future blog post to come).

1.5 - I am thankful for my dogs, Sassy and Sadie, who love us even while living in chaos. they are sometimes a pain, but more often than not they bring us joy and happiness and unconditional love.  Sassy is a two year old chocolate lab that we got from friends when she was a puppy.  She spent the first year with her sister Maxie living at my mom's while we house hunted.  We bought our house in May 2010 and brought Sassy home.  In February 2011 we decided that Sassy needed a playmate so we adopted Sadie from the local shelter.  She was just 11 weeks old when we got her and she was a tiny little thing.  We quickly got to experience the "joys" of puppy ownership and realized how lucky we were that my mom had house trained and raised Sassy.  But after a rough year, she is finally starting to calm down and is turning out to be a really nice dog.
See my pretty dogs:

1.6 - I am thankful for sick hours. After a long weekend of home repair, my muscles are rebelling - my body was not made for manual labor .. lol. I spent 4 hours on Sunday pulling staples and carpet tacks out of the stairs, risers, landing and upstairs hallway.  Unfortunately I cannot do the heavy lifting (like drywalling and stuff) so I get the menial jobs (you know .. the ones that are tedious and extra horrible). But at least it's done and I don't have to worry about me or the dogs stepping on anything sticking up out of the floor.

1.7 - and finally today I am grateful for my husband's job. While I hate when he has to leave, I am grateful that not only does he have a job, but it's a job he loves as well.  His job also will give me the ability one day to be a stay at home mom. Unfortunately it costs a lot of money to pursue infertility treatment, but his job allows us to pay all of our bills so that the majority of my paychecks go towards our savings.

Day 1 My Husband
Day 2 Music
Day 3 Fridays and 5 o'clock
Day 4 Friends and Family who are there when we need them most
Day 5 my dogs - Sassy and Sadie
Day 6 Sick hours
Day 7 My husband's job

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