November 14, 2011

Thankful 1.8 - 1.13

Again because I really slack sometimes at getting online daily, especially on the weekends, I have to combine several of my thankful posts into one.  This is so far the biggest post yet, but at least I am still being thankful right?

I am thankful for an amazing family who has been there and supported me during some very hard recent events. I am especially thankful for my Aunt Fawn Pernelli and my Aunt Sally Henry who offered lots of love and support. When I had my miscarriage, my Aunt Fawn was super supportive and really understood where I was and what I was feeling.  My Aunt Sally sent me a wonderful care package with a great book and an angel of courage that is sitting on my desk at work looking at me right now. Sometimes you don't truly know how loved you are until you hit hard times.

I am thankful for Faith A Huss. She has been my best friend since the 6th grade. We have been through many a life changing event together. I only regret the times where we let life cause us to drift apart, but we've always found our way back to each other and our friendship is and always will be a strong and lasting one. Thanks for being my friend - my chosen sister. Faith and I are both extremely busy girls.  She is married with a son, a stepdaughter, and a baby.  She has a very full plate, but still manages to make time every week to have dinner with me.  I love our weekly dinners and look forward to them all week long. 

I am also thankful for all of the men and women who serve for, fought for, and died for our country. Thank you for all that you have done and all that you do. This was my post for Veteran's Day and it was the perfect day to show my love and appreciation for all of our service men and women, past, present and future.  Without their time and sacrifice, we would not be the country we are today.

I am thankful for my big comfy bed.  With having all of our furniture in storage during the house repair, it's nice to have a comfy bed to relax on. I could not imagine spending as much time in my bedroom as I have been if the bed wasn't very comfortable.

I am thankful for online classes and college. I do not think I could have finished my college degree or would be doing grad school and working full time if I had to actually drive to and sit in class every week. There's nothing like doing homework at any time of the day while in your pajamas. I love the freedom and flexibility that online classes offer and would recommend this type of schooling to anyone who is disciplined enough to work independently and within the specified time frame.

I am thankful for my AIM girls.  These ladies are some of the greatest girls I have ever "met". I treasure our friendship and I hope they all know how much of a difference they have made in my life. I joined a group on MSN about 9 years ago and met the majority of these women online.  As MSN groups went away, we moved our group to MySpace and finally to Facebook.  It's amazing how much friendship and support can come from a group of women that you have never met in real life.  It may seem silly, but these girls are some of the best friends and we are all very close and share in each others lives as much as possible.  Many of us have talked on the phone and a few of us have met in person.  I look forward to meeting all of these girls in person someday.

Day 1 My Husband
Day 2 Music
Day 3 Fridays and 5 o'clock
Day 4 Friends and Family who are there when we need them most
Day 5 my dogs - Sassy and Sadie
Day 6 Sick hours
Day 7 My husband's job
Day 8 A supportive family
Day 9 Faith Huss - my BFF
Day 10 Veterans
Day 11 My Big Comfy Bed
Day 12 Online Classes/College
Day 13 AIM girls

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