August 5, 2012

Growth Scan

Our growth scan was scheduled this past week on Wednesday.  I was 28weeks 6 days at the scan and baby girl was measuring right on track for our due date of October 18.  Apparently at this point they no longer use the CRL (crown to rump length) method for measurement, they measure the femur bone in the leg and use that for dating.  I of course had the tech check to make sure she was still a girl ... and she is!! I know it's silly to keep asking, but a part of me fears that here I am preparing for this baby girl and she will be born and actually be a boy.  How crazy would that be?  I would love the baby no matter what, but it would definitely take a little adjustment.

Baby is measuring right now in the 63rd percentile for her weight.  She was weighing in at 3lbs 2 oz.  The tech told us this is pretty normal and right now they aren't concerned about her size, but will be keeping an eye on it because of the gestational diabetes.  She also checked baby's heart and did a biophysical profile.  She told me that I will get both growth scans and biophysical profiles a little later in the pregnancy - usually around week 34-36 - which is only 5 or 6 weeks from now ... aaahhh!!!

That's all that's new for now .. getting anxious for our princess to be here.  Also excited about the baby shower which happens 3 weeks from today.  Only one doctors appointment this week - 30 week check up with the OB.  So far so good with everything ... and am still feeling pretty good, just starting to feel a little big now.  But that's ok .. the longer we make it, the healthier baby girl will be.

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